Front-End Mentor Challenges

A platform provides front-end challenges that include professional web designs. These allow front-end developers to practice building websites in a realistic workflow. These challenges will help developers improve skills in front-end development, gain experience creating websites, and build up an incredible project portfolio. They also have a large community of developers to meet other devs.

Here are the challenges I have taken:

On this Page:

Intro section with dropdown navigation

Developed responsive dropdown navigation menus for consistent UI patterns on large-scale websites, ensuring optimal user experience across diverse devices.

This is a solution to the Intro section with dropdown navigationopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterReactSassSCSSViteDropdownRWD

Screenshots: Intro section with dropdown navigation-homepage on desktopIntro section with dropdown navigation-active homepage on desktopIntro section with dropdown navigation-homepage on mobileIntro section with dropdown navigation-menu on mobile

Time tracking dashboard

Developed responsive time tracking dashboard, ensuring optimal user experience across diverse devices.

This is a solution to the Time tracking dashboardopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterReactSassSCSSViteDashboardRWD

Screenshots: Time tracking dashboard-homepage on desktopTime tracking dashboard-homepage on mobile

Interactive card details form

The card face dynamically adjusts to entered details, displaying error messages for incorrect formats or blanks. The responsive layout ensures an optimal user experience across diverse devices.

This is a solution to the Interactive card details formopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterVueVue RouterSassSCSSViteForm ValidationRWD

Screenshots: Interactive card details form-homepage on desktopInteractive card details form-active homepage on desktopInteractive card details form-thank you page on desktopInteractive card details form-homepage on mobileInteractive card details form-thank you on mobile

Advice generator app

The app utilizes axios to access the Advice Slip API, a third-party API, and generates random advice quotes on the website.

This is a solution to the Advice generator appopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterVanila JSSassSCSSViteFetch APIsaxiosAdvice generatorRWD

Screenshots: Advice generator app on desktopActive advice generator app on desktopAdvice generator on mobile

Interactive pricing component

An interactive pricing component complete with custom range input slider and pricing toggle.

This is a solution to the Interactive pricing componentopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterReactSassSCSSViteCustomized range input sliderPricing componentRWD

Screenshots: Interactive pricing component on desktopActive interactive pricing component on desktopInteractive pricing component on mobile

Tip calculator app

A small, useful app that calculates tips and the total amount per person when hanging out with friends.

This is a solution to the Tip calculator appopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterVueSassSCSSViteTip CalculatorRWD

Screenshots: Tip calculator app on desktopActive tip calculator app on desktopInvalid tip calculator app on desktopTip calculator app on mobile

Expenses chart component

Utilize Chart.js to craft a customized bar chart component displaying weekly expenses and the percentage increase or decrease. The chart features built-in animations provided by Chart.js.

This is a solution to the Expenses chart componentopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterVanilla JavaScriptChart.jsSassSCSSViteData VisualizationExpenses chartchartRWD

Screenshots: Expenses chart component on desktopActive Expenses chart component on desktopExpenses chart component on mobile

Launch countdown timer

Experience a fun and immersive 14-day countdown timer with flipping card animations, enhancing the overall user experience.

This is a solution to the Launch countdown timeropen in new window.

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Frontend MenterVanilla JavaScriptSassSCSSViteCountdown timerCSS animationRWD

Screenshots: Launch countdown timer on desktopLaunch countdown timer - Flipping Cards on desktopLaunch countdown timer on mobile

Calculator app

A calculator that allows you to change theme colors and performs calculations for you. The default color theme depends on users' browser settings, which can be either light or dark. This project was completed using React and SCSS mixins, using color variables as parameters to streamline the complex styling and grid layout for the buttons.

This is a solution to the Calculator appopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterReactJavaScriptSassSCSSViteCalculatorColor Theme SwitchPrefered color themeRWD

Screenshots: Calculator app - Theme 1 on desktopCalculator app - Theme 2 on desktopCalculator app - Theme 3 on desktopCalculator app - Theme 1 on mobileCalculator app - Theme 2 on mobileCalculator app - Theme 3 on mobile

Todo app

Explore a user-friendly app with a responsive interface, interactive elements, and convenient todo management. Easily switch between light and dark modes, utilize filtering options, and enhance productivity with a bonus drag-and-drop feature for seamless task organization.

This is a solution to the Todo appopen in new window.

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Frontend MenterReactReact ReduxRedux ToolkitsSassSCSSViteTodo listColor Theme SwitchRWD

Demos: Todo app - Demo 1Todo app - Demo 2Todo app - Demo 3Todo app - Demo 4

Screenshots: Todo app - Light Theme on desktopTodo app - Dark Theme on desktopTodo app - Light Theme on mobileTodo app - Dark Theme on mobile

Last Updated:
Contributors: Ruo-Fang Wang